Reading on the irregularities of 2024 election

See our blog post on joining the fight to get a hand recount of the 2024 presidential election

For reading, please see: on the huge and inexplicable drop-off rates in mostly swing states

The Reddit thread with more details from Stephen Spoonamore

Follow Stephen Spoonamore on Spoutible and BlueSky and Reddit

Verified Voting

The stealing of the voting code in 2021

NBC’s running count of the election

Paper trails fail to secure the vote

Table with North Carolina fall-out data (where vote cast for Trump but not a lower office)

URGENT: Critical Window Closing for 2024 Election Assessment

We have just DAYS to investigate serious irregularities in the 2024 election, and we need your urgent help.

We at SMART Elections are researching concerning patterns that immediately need more resources and attention:

  • At least 62 known bomb threats disrupted voting nationwide, breaking the chain of custody for an alarming number of polling locations.
    • We’re still investigating this but the number could be as many as 100 polling locations that received bomb threats.
  • Voter drop-off rates that are large, especially in swing states on the Republican side (3-10%). This could indicate among other things:
    • Voters cross voting between parties (normal)
    • Voters uninterested in down ballot races (it happens)
    • Ballots, votes and/or voters being illegitimately added to totals (illegal)
  • Confirmed election software breaches in multiple states.
  • A hardwired password in all Dominion systems was released to the public. According to security expert Chris Klaus, it would be an easy way to win the swing states, all but North Carolina use Dominion Voting machines in some counties.

Trustworthy and experienced sources are deeply concerned and are advocating for hand recounts:

  • Free Speech For People, a leading anti-corruption organization
  • Security expert Stephen Spoonamore has issued an urgent Duty to Warn letter to Vice President Harris expressing grave doubts about the authenticity of some vote totals. While the semantics of the letter describing “bullet ballots” are not exactly right (we believe Mr. Spoonamore is referring to down-ballot “drop off”) our own data is substantiating his report, and other data points are emerging that raise concerns.  


We need to examine actual election records in as many states as possible to fully investigate these concerns. In many states these documents are publicly accessible by law, but the reality is that county officials often resist sharing these records. It can require multiple requests and the delays can be lengthy.

Time is of the essence. In some states, we have as little as three days left to take action. In other states the window might be a week or two. Court intervention will likely be necessary to expedite these records requests – an expensive but essential step to review key original source election records.


  • Urgent Immediate Funding Required: 
    • $35,000 is needed to pay for public records requests, staffing, organizing costs, technology, and media support.
    • Another $35,000 is needed to cover short-term court and legal fees.
    • Total costs could ultimately exceed half a million dollars. These funds must be raised by expanding public awareness about the legitimacy of this issue.
  • Emergency Legal Support: Pro-bono attorneys needed NOW.

Also looking for:

  • Data Analysts: volunteers with data skills to download and process election data.
  • Research assistants to research legal deadlines and on the ground local incidents, such as bomb threats, or the internet connectivity at each polling place. 
  • Email, social media, web design and organizational support to handle the huge influx of traffic and interest that we are experiencing.
  • Fundraising gurus to help raise the resources to fully investigate these concerns.
  • Media professionals, influencers and professionals to shift the Overton window.


We are currently examining data and records in about a dozen states that have unusual voting patterns or other suspect circumstances such as bomb threats.


We’re one of the few organizations with the expertise, experience and credibility to do this work effectively. Our work has been featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, and other major media outlets. We work with coalition partners across the political spectrum and are respected as being truly nonpartisan.

We will prepare a public report of irregularities that we find – or confirm with renewed confidence that the election was well-administered and fair in all areas. 

Our previous work exposed critical issues – like reporting to the public that 5,840 uncounted ballots in Georgia’s 2020 election (nearly 50% of the margin of victory) were not counted prior to Georgia’s 2020 audit. We must act now to ensure issues like this aren’t missed in 2024.


  • Volunteer: Complete our emergency response form.
  • Donate: Any amount helps – we need to start legal proceedings immediately.
  • Share: Forward this to your friends, family, online or IRW communities, listservs, faith groups, social media contacts, local and national press and anyone else you believe might help.
  • Time is of the essence. Without immediate action, critical evidence could be lost forever.

Protect your vote. Protect all the votes.


Lulu Friesdat

Co-Founder & Executive Director

SMART Elections


2 responses to “Reading on the irregularities of 2024 election”

  1. Robert Rei Avatar

    Hello, my Substack Newsletter has been dedicated to and focused on the issue of Election Security investigations.
    I have numerous sourced items both in my articles, that focus specifically on this matter, and in my notes. Please consider adding the following newsletter published November 14, 2024:

    I will be checking back here for updates. Even if Vice President Harris does not formally request any recounts, it is important for all that is being collected together here and elsewhere about this anomalous election result, as a digital record for all to access and learn from.
    Thank you, Robert J. Rei

  2. usoogood Avatar

    I have proof of election fraud in AZ please check out my reddit posts. usoogood!

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